Flax has held my interest for a slew of reasons. Historically, it's a commonly used fiber dating at least back to Vikings. Geographically, it should be able to grow here, and I'd love to be able to have a renewable fiber at my disposal (and sheep unfortunately aren't going to happen on our little plot of homestead).
So a group of friends all doing this together was just the push I needed! I saw a lot of them ordering online, but hoped I'd be able to find something at Black Sheep, because at the time, I thought it might be something I could try spindling in the car. I'm SO glad I didn't need to, but I did luck out and on the last day at BSG, found flax strick for sale over by the Eugene Textile booth. Win!
You can see it in the middle of the goodies I brought home, along with buttons and a shawl pin/hairstick from Wooly Moss Roots, a KCL shuttle for the next tartans, egyptian cotton from Homestead Hobbyist, and some lovely "plum" rambouillet I can't wait to dive in to.
It took me about a week into the tour to actually sit at the Symphony with it, and it is SUCH a different feel from wool! It feels like learning to spin all over again, except I know how to keep the wheel actually moving in the proper direction. I do have a water dish nearby, and find it helps the fibers both flex and get sticky, great for joining, awful for when drafting backwards, because it makes a rat's nest!
It has gotten a little easier though. I divided it in half and am almost done with the first half, I can't wait to see what the final yarn is like. Next challenge, egyptian cotton!