Monday, July 18, 2011

The technical stuff

As I am trying to get ready for this monumental project, I have been inventorying yarns, dyes, needles, etc. to figure out what I need and what I can start. I've been going through Ravelry queueing patterns, testing my gauge, and in general getting ready.

I learned that Cookie A.'s patterns are almost entirely if not completely in a gauge of 32 stitches per 4 inches. I am almost dead on if I do that at a size 1 needle. At a size 0 I am just slightly under that, which is actually good, because I have ridiculously skinny feet. I will be making the skinniest version of the socks in her book, and if I allow myself the 1" ease she dictates, the skinniest ones could end up a little loose. So socks for me, I'll be doing on 0. I bought a nice set of bamboo size 1's though at the LYS (local yarn store) for any I may be sending out as gifts or to trade. I have 3 sets of size 0, but none of them are going to work... 1 set is too short for adult socks, 1 set is missing half the needles (that would be the Knitpicks wooden set which I love) and 1 set is cheap nickel, which is too slippery for this endeavor. So I will be picking up either another Knitpicks set or a nice bamboo set.

The hardest part, hands down, is going to be the yarn. These aren't ankle socks, and I need to make a pair, so in a lot of cases, 1 skein of sock yarn won't cut it. Now, if you aren't a knitter, let me just say... sock yarn can be EXPENSIVE. Nice sock yarn is shocking in cost... and if you're spending the time to knit socks, you don't want something nasty. My wonderful yarn store has tags to attach to garments, and one of them said "Just because it's handmade, doesn't mean it's cheap." Amen! Since her gauge is consistent through this book, I will probably be both consistent and frugal for the most part, and do Knitpicks sock yarn. I like it, it's affordable, and they have a nice variety of solids, semisolids, and undyed, which gives me an excuse to break out the dyes and experiment. And I love experiments, can't you tell? I have some squishy Malabrigo sock yarn begging to join the project though, and the LYS has some positively gorgeous Madelinetosh sock yarn that will probably join too. And I'm guessing I won't leave Sock Summit without a skein or 2 of yarn that will find its way into this as well. I'd love to spin my own sock yarn, but I'm ashamed to admit I'm not great with lighter weights yet, and obviously it needs to be an extremely consistent spin or the socks wouldn't be very comfy. So another thing to aim for before my project is done!

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