Saturday, August 20, 2011

First pair almost done!

I finished my first Thelonious last Saturday, I love it!


Sock #2 has gone a lot faster, I'm sitting here grafting the toe in between typing. I finished the entire thing in under a week, with a lot of other projects going on, and my in-laws visiting.

Unfortunately, I'm going to take a temporary hiatus from my challenge as I set it. I know, one pair and I'm already wimping out?? Not exactly :) I'm part of an online community of fiber fiends, and with all the sock talk that's been going on lately, one of our resident dyers put up a challenge of his own - knit him a pair of socks in the pattern and yarn of his choosing, and he will dye 8 oz of fiber(roving, sock yarn, etc.) in the knitter's choice. Since an opportunity for this quality "man-dyed yarn" was too good to pass up, I will be pausing to add to the Dear Husband sock stash. While I wait for his sock yarn to arrive, I'll be doing a little spinning and doing some "karma projects" - helping out others in appreciation of the help I have received from other Moms in my online community.

Never fear, I will be updating, even though it's not technically scheduled programming, and hope to be back on track for the Cookie A. sock challenge soon!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The project is underway

This will be a brief post since it is the wee hours of the morning, and since I have 2 sleeping children I should really join them. I attended Sock Summit on the 31st of July, I only did the marketplace this year, although of course even the marketplace had some workshops/lectures going on. Somehow I bought no sock yarn, but walked out with a good chunk of spinning fiber. So when I got home I made it my goal to spin a good sock weight yarn (sacrificing some merino/silk blend I had on hand for practice).

The end result:
It wasn't as smooth as I might like for socks but it was good practice, and turned out 460 yds/4oz, so a perfect sock weight.

For fun, here is a picture of the fiber I got from Sock Summit, from Woolgatherings and Becoming Art (check them out on Etsy, and bring a drool bucket along, both AMAZING ladies/dyers!)