Sunday, March 11, 2012

Turning to homesteading

On a more non-knitting note (probably because I haven't had much TIME to knit what with school and the never-ending list of custom spinning orders) we have been reverting the house more and more toward homesteading. I'd say urban homesteading, but since we're USDA classified as a rural community that's probably a bit of a misnomer. We live in town though, and are converting our yard to being self-sustaining. Little by little we're getting further from buying ready-made, and doing it ourselves. This week: $35 in non-GMO seeds and some starter pods. I also decided to swear back off of meat in general, unless it's wild-caught fish. So we're experimenting with more recipes (I found out my 9-month old loves quinoa!) and having fun exploring our creative sides in the kitchen. I plan to log some of our progress and results as we go (and since I have a new camera, hopefully photo some of it also!)

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