Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Gluten Free?

I've been a sufferer from chronic migraines for about 18 years now.  They are completely debilitating and only sometimes respond to medications.  I recently learned that gluten sensitivity, now that it's being more understood, is found to be a trigger for migraines in some people, so I'm doing a trial run of gluten free in our house to see how I feel.  While I've been dealing with some major depression issues circling around Pixie's upcoming first birthday, physically I've felt better these past few days than I have since before I got pregnant with her, which is huge.

So yet another project, researching and converting to gluten free while I try to discover if gluten is in fact the culprit or not...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Yoga and more goings on

So it goes without saying, that since Pi is 3, he has harnessed the energy of a tornado, and has an equally pleasant temperament as of late.  No matter what I try to do to channel it, he has been acting out horrendously.  I decided I was going to try to teach him yoga, since yoga teaching is something I'd love to do as a job, and because he needs focus. 

Of course when I tried to convince him we were going to do yoga, he would have none of it.  So I put on a Rodney Yee video, ignored him to the best of my ability, and settled into my own practice.  A few minutes later I glanced over, and he is standing in mountain pose with his hands over his head reaching for the sky.  I gave him a nod and told him it was a GREAT mountain, he was just and big as tall as a mountain could be.  A couple minutes later, he was next to my mat in a down dog.  Then on the end of my mat joining me in forward bends.  He did the whole practice with me, of his own choice!  And at the end, his mood was so much better.  I'm trying to think of good ways to sneak in more things like that now during the day.  School is so hectic lately I could use any break I can get!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Writer's block, and I don't mean blogging :(

Is there anything as satisfying as the feeling of creation?  Today it was wheat bread.  We spent a chilly day at the Renaissance Festival in Forest Grove, and what better way to warm up the house than baking bread?  Side bonus the house smells amazing!  Even better, the hubby is ecstatic to have fresh bread again, school has kept me so busy we had to resort to a store-bought loaf... the humanity!  He actually kind of complained today that I haven't taught him how to make bread yet.  Am I wrong for keeping the job to myself? 

My less thrilling creation, speech for my Public Speaking class.  I just can't motivate myself to do it, and it's not that I don't care about any topics, or that I hate the class (or maybe I do and I just won't admit it?) I just can't seem to work within a set structure.  Why should this be any different than following a knitting pattern or sewing tutorial or a baking recipe? I can do all of those things!