Saturday, May 5, 2012

Writer's block, and I don't mean blogging :(

Is there anything as satisfying as the feeling of creation?  Today it was wheat bread.  We spent a chilly day at the Renaissance Festival in Forest Grove, and what better way to warm up the house than baking bread?  Side bonus the house smells amazing!  Even better, the hubby is ecstatic to have fresh bread again, school has kept me so busy we had to resort to a store-bought loaf... the humanity!  He actually kind of complained today that I haven't taught him how to make bread yet.  Am I wrong for keeping the job to myself? 

My less thrilling creation, speech for my Public Speaking class.  I just can't motivate myself to do it, and it's not that I don't care about any topics, or that I hate the class (or maybe I do and I just won't admit it?) I just can't seem to work within a set structure.  Why should this be any different than following a knitting pattern or sewing tutorial or a baking recipe? I can do all of those things! 

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